English(same as 秈 覹) common rice; as distinguished from the glutinous variety or glutinous rice, (corrupted form of VEA413C) name of a place in ancient times康熙字典【午集下】【禾字部】?
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English(ancient form of 腆) luxuriant; abundant; rich; plentiful of food, brazen-faced; shameless, good; virtuous, protruding, as belly, etc., to go to excess康熙字典【未集下】【肉字部】?
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English(non-classical form of 甜) sweet; agreeable; pleasant康熙字典【備考】【未集】【舌字部】?
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Englishsound of treading or stepping康熙字典【酉集中】【足字部】?
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Englishto walk, tracks or whereabouts, disease of the feet康熙字典【酉集中】【足字部】?
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Englishsound of moving carriages; noise of a number of vehicles康熙字典【酉集下】【車(chē)字部】?
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Englishsound of moving carriages康熙字典【酉集下】【車(chē)字部】?
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Englishwine or any thick fluid of the best quality; (corrupted form of 靦) ashamed康熙字典【酉集下】【酉字部】?
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English(same as 鈿) silver of gold filagree, hairpin, inlaid work康熙字典【戌集上】【金字部】?
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Englishface to face; to blush; ashamed, embarrassed