·康熙筆畫:14 ·部外筆畫:11
English(same as 徽 揮) mark; sign; indication; flags; pennants, streamers, etc., to prance, to brandish, to shake; to rattle, name of a flag康熙字典【卯集下】【方字部】?
·康熙筆畫:15 ·部外筆畫:11
《廣韻》許歸切《集韻》吁韋切,??音煇。幑,或作?。幟也。以絳帛著於背。通作徽?!队衿穭?dòng)也。亦作揮。 又《集韻》古本切,音袞。旗名。
·康熙筆畫:18 ·部外筆畫:14
《集韻》《韻會(huì)》??戸袞切,音混。《說文》束也。從束圂聲。 又《集韻》《韻會(huì)》《正韻》??古本切,音袞。又《集韻》古倦切,音卷。義??同?!鸢础墩f文》自立?部,?、櫜等字從之,今倂入。
Englishdull sound of the tolling bell, sound of rolling, rolling stone, a farm tool made of stone (a stone roller for hulling grains, etc.)康熙字典【午集下】【石字部】?
·康熙筆畫:13 ·部外筆畫:8
《廣韻》《集韻》《韻會(huì)》《正韻》??古本切,音袞。鐘病聲?!吨芏Y·春官·典同》高聲??!对]》鐘形大上高,則聲上藏,袞然旋如裹也。 又石聲?!读鶗省肥瘡纳陷佅乱?。
English(corrupted form of 睔) big and round eyes
Englishto speak not in a clear way, (sama as U+8B34) to play jokes on; to fool (somebody)康熙字典【酉集上】【言字部】?
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《集韻》《類篇》??古本切,音袞。語不明也。 又《集韻》《類篇》??古困切,袞去聲。與??、謴??同。?字從袞作。
Englishpure black, to omit, to forget, to wonder about doing nothing康熙字典【亥集下】【黑字部】?
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《集韻》古困切,音睴。純黑也。 又昏困切,昏去聲。???,不幹事。 又忘失也。