Englishwalking rapidly; in a hurry, to stride over; to step across康熙字典【酉集中】【足字部】?
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《廣韻》《集韻》??蒲撥切,音跋?!队衿芳毙忻病!额惼沸忻?。一曰猝也?;蜃??。 又《廣韻》方味切《集韻》方未切,??音沸。義同。 又《集韻》博蓋切,音貝。與?同。步行躐跋也。
·康熙筆畫:11 ·部外筆畫:4
《廣韻》《集韻》??北末切,音撥。《玉篇》急走也?!都崱非邦D也。 又《集韻》普活切,音鏺。《廣雅》猝也。 又蒲撥切,音跋。義同。 又《說文》行貌。 或作?????。
English(non-classical form of 橇) a sledge for transportation over mud or snow康熙字典【酉集下】【辵字部】?
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English(interchangeable 鎛) a musical instrument in old times, a large bell suspended from a frame; a kind of ancient bell, a variety of hoe康熙字典【戌集上】【金字部】?
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Englishcushioned seat on a vehicle, a leather wrapped collar or yoke of a carriage康熙字典【戌集中】【革字部】?
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Englishsound of pressing something down康熙字典【戌集中】【音字部】?
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English(same as U+4AB9 ?) chin; the jaws; the cheeks康熙字典【戌集下】【頁字部】?
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English(same as 餺) a kind of cooked noodle康熙字典【備考】【戌集】【食字部】?
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Englishcakes; biscuits; pastry, (same as 餺) cooked food made of rice flour康熙字典【戌集下】【食字部】?
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English(same as 馞) strong sweet smell; strong fragrance康熙字典【戌集下】【香字部】?
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