  • zhòu
    ● 驟 zhòu ? ㄓㄡˋ ◎ 見“驟”。
  • zhòu
    ● 驟 (驟) zhòu ?ㄓㄡˋ ◎ (馬)快跑:馳驟。 ◎ 急,疾速,突然:天氣驟冷。驟然。暴風驟雨。英文翻譯◎ 驟 sudden   trot
  • zhǒu
    ● 鯞 zhǒu ? ㄓㄡˇ ◎ 〔鱖(jué)鯞〕見“鱖2”。
  • zhòu
    English(a simplified form) clever; ingenious; cute; pretty
  • zhòu
    English(same as 媰)clever; ingenious; cute; smart; pretty, cruel, to be heired, to jest; to chaff, to bawl, mean person (as opposed to real gentleman)康熙字典【子集中】【人字部】? ·康熙筆畫:12 ·部外筆畫:10 《廣韻》卽就切《集韻》側(cè)救切?!督垢f·俗用雜字》任身傭作曰?,音縐。
  • zhòu
    Englishto cut off; to mince, to cut up firewood康熙字典【子集下】【刀字部】? ·康熙筆畫:16 ·部外筆畫:14 《唐韻》才奏切《集韻》才??切,??音驟?!队衿窋嘁?,細切也。又《集韻》將侯切,音諏。斷也。又《集韻》徂侯切,驟平聲?!蹲至帧芳殧嘁?。又《集韻》此茍切,湊上聲。析薪也。
  • zhóu
    English(same as 妯) sisters-in-law (a reference among wives of brothers)康熙字典【丑集下】【女字部】? ·康熙筆畫:11 ·部外筆畫:8 《集韻》同妯。兄弟婦相呼爲妯娌。或從育。
  • zhòu
    Englishobstinate; stubborn; opinionated; obstinacy; stubornness; intransigent, truculent; savage, ferocious; fierce康熙字典【卯集上】【心字部】? ·康熙筆畫:14 ·部外筆畫:10 《集韻》《類篇》??楚絞切,音炒?!都崱沸钠纫病?/div>
  • zhòu
    English(same as ancient form of 甃) brickwork of a well, to repair a well, to lay bricks康熙字典【午集上】【瓦字部】? ·康熙筆畫:8 ·部外筆畫:3 《玉篇》古文甃字。註詳九畫。
  • zhòu
    Englishto shrink; to contract; to deflate; to shorten; to reduce in length康熙字典【午集中】【疒字部】? ·康熙筆畫:14 ·部外筆畫:9 《廣韻》《集韻》??側(cè)救切,音縐?!恫┭拧?,縮也。 又《集韻》卽就切,音僦。義同。