English(same as 禍) calamity; disaster; evil; misfortune
·康熙筆畫(huà):11 ·部外筆畫(huà):6
《廣韻》《集韻》??戸括切,音活。《說(shuō)文》祀也。本作??,從示??聲。又《集韻》古活切,音括。義同。 又《集韻》乎刮切,音秳?!稄V雅》法也。 又《廣韻》古?切,音刮。禳祭名。 又《集韻》胡玩切,音換。報(bào)神祭也。
English(same as standard form VEA4106) (non-classical form) to worship; to honor by a rite or service; to offer sacrifices, an institution, law, to perform rites in honor of gods康熙字典【補(bǔ)遺】【午集】【示字部】?
·康熙筆畫(huà):13 ·部外筆畫(huà):8
Englisha bamboo basket used to catch fishes康熙字典【未集上】【竹字部】?
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《篇海》胡郭切,音鑊。取魚(yú)竹器也。 又胡誤切,音護(hù)。義同。
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Englishunstrained wine, to offer plenty of food, to treat kindly and generously; to (same as 甜) pleasant to the taste -- as wine, sweet康熙字典【酉集下】【酉字部】?
·康熙筆畫(huà):13 ·部外筆畫(huà):6
《集韻》戸栝切,音活。未泲酒?!侗阕印ぐ偌揖怼菲人?甜者,莫能賞其味也。 又《字學(xué)指南》與甜同。甘也。
Englishwide open of the door, (non-classical form of 闊) broad; wide; width康熙字典【戌集上】【門(mén)字部】?
·康熙筆畫(huà):14 ·部外筆畫(huà):6
《集韻》苦滑切,音?。大開(kāi)門(mén)貌。 又呼括切,音??。義同。
English(same as 魊) a cyclone; a whirlwind, a fabulous creature which supposedly hurts human beings by casting sand out of its mouth; ghost康熙字典【亥集上】【鬼字部】?
·康熙筆畫(huà):18 ·部外筆畫(huà):8
《廣韻》雨逼切《集韻》越逼切,??音域。小兒鬼。 又《廣韻》胡國(guó)切《集韻》穫北切,??音或。鬼?旋風(fēng)。《類(lèi)篇》一說(shuō)鬼因風(fēng)伺人。
Englisha kind of fish; small fish; fry, a large amphibious creature, something like the newt but very much larger康熙字典【亥集中】【魚(yú)字部】?
·康熙筆畫(huà):19 ·部外筆畫(huà):8