Englisha hinged shear or long knife for cutting fodder; sheet-iron; etc., to cut up; to mince康熙字典【子集下】【刀字部】?
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English(same as 謀) to scheme; to plot; to devise, a device康熙字典【丑集上】【口字部】?
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Englishto move, to hang down; to let fall, (same as 垛) a target, a battlement, to add up; to pile up康熙字典【丑集中】【土字部】?
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《廣韻》丁果切《集韻》都果切,??音朵。動也。一曰垂貌。易觀我?頤。京房讀?!鸢础兑住ゎU卦》今作朶。《字彙補》作朶字古文。 《正字通》?無垂義?!稜栄拧め寣m》垝謂之坫?!豆痹]》在堂隅。坫,?也。○按坫?,亦垂而下。
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Englishto speculate; to conjecture; to assume; to make an intelligent guess; to fathom, (of a woman) beautiful, used in girl's name
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Englishidle; lazy; slothful; inactive康熙字典【卯集上】【心字部】?
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Englishto wipe tears, to bind康熙字典【卯集中】【手字部】?
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