● 鸧
cāng ?ㄘㄤˉ
◎ 〔鸧鹒〕黃鸝鳥。
◎ 〔鸧鴰〕灰鶴。
◎ (鶬)
·康熙筆畫:18 ·部外筆畫:14
Englishto sink; to drown; to be submerged康熙字典【巳集上】【水字部】?
·康熙筆畫:22 ·部外筆畫:18
Englisha full head of grain; bent over by its own weight, two small pieces bract on the base of the ears of a rice plant, grass; weeds; tares康熙字典【午集下】【禾字部】?
·康熙筆畫:15 ·部外筆畫:10
Englishto pass; to pass through or by康熙字典【酉集下】【辵字部】?
·康熙筆畫:17 ·部外筆畫:10
● 欌
zBng ㄗㄤ 又 cBng ㄘㄤ
◎ 收藏衣物的器具。衣柜(韓國(guó)漢字)。