[1]Prichard JA,Macdonald PC:Injuries to the birth canal. In Williams Obstetrics 16th edition.Prichard J A ed Macdonald PC New York,Appleton-Century-Crofts,1980;p 859~891
[2]Herbert WNP,Cefala RC:Management of postpartum Hemorrheage ClinicObsGyn.1984;27:139
[1]Prichard JA,Macdonald PC:Injuries to the birth canal. In Williams Obstetrics 16th edition.Prichard J A ed Macdonald PC New York,Appleton-Century-Crofts,1980;p 859~891
[2]Herbert WNP,Cefala RC:Management of postpartum Hemorrheage ClinicObsGyn.1984;27:139