Englishsound; echo, difficult; troublesome康熙字典【丑集上】【口字部】?
·康熙筆畫:18 ·部外筆畫:15
《廣韻》胡田切《集韻》胡千切,??音賢。《玉篇》難也。 又《集韻》聲也。 又《集韻》同礥。詳石部礥字註。
Englisha threshold; a door-sill康熙字典【寅集下】【廣字部】?
·康熙筆畫:9 ·部外筆畫:6
English(non-classical form of 弦) string (of a bow, a musical instrument, etc.), chord of an arc, the first or last quarter ofa lunar month康熙字典【寅集下】【弓字部】?
·康熙筆畫:11 ·部外筆畫:8
《海篇》音弦。弓也。 又姓。
Englishdifficult intention, difficult idea or sentiment, weakened volition; dejected, fear; scare; fright康熙字典【卯集上】【心字部】?
·康熙筆畫:16 ·部外筆畫:12
《廣韻》《集韻》??胡典切,音峴。??,意難也。 又《集韻》呼典切,音顯。義同。 又《集韻》忍善切。本作??;驈男?。《說(shuō)文》意膬也。一曰意急而懼。 又《集韻》乃見切,音睍。意難也。膬字原從忄從毳。
Englishto lengthen and extenuate -- as in making noodle; to drag out康熙字典【卯集中】【手字部】?
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Englishto nip with the fingers; to take a pinch; to take up as with tongs康熙字典【卯集中】【手字部】?
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Englishto restrain; restrained; timid and awkward; to feel not at home; miserably poor康熙字典【卯集中】【手字部】?
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Englishto disseminate; to spread, the weak sound of a Chinese musical instrument with seven or five strings康熙字典【卯集下】【攴字部】?
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English(non-classical form of 顯) clear; evident; eminent; prominent; renowned; famed; to expose; to make known
·康熙筆畫:14 ·部外筆畫:10
《廣韻》《集韻》??呼典切,音蜆?!墩f(shuō)文》??,衆(zhòng)微杪也。從日中視絲,古文以爲(wèi)顯字?;蛟恍\(zhòng)口貌。讀若唫。唫或以爲(wèi)繭。繭者,絮中往往有小繭也?!稄V韻》今作?。衆(zhòng)明也,微妙也。《類篇》頭明飾也。一曰著也,光也。亦姓。 又《唐韻》五合切《集韻》鄂合切,??音蛤。又《集韻》渠飮切,音噤。義??同。