Englishto do alms for the Buddhist priests or monks in old times, to bestow; to present; to confer; to give; to donate康熙字典【酉集中】【貝字部】?
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English(non-classical form of 跈), (same as 踐) to step upon; to tread upon; to trample, (same as 趁) to take advantage, hard to proceeding康熙字典【酉集中】【足字部】?
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《廣韻》呼外切《集韻》黃外切,??音會。《說文》日月合宿爲?。 又《集韻》植鄰切,音辰。義同。 通作辰。
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《唐韻》《韻會》植鄰切《集韻》丞眞切,??音辰?!墩f文》地名。 又《廣韻》章刃切《集韻》之刃切,??音震。義同。
Englishname of an ancient state, in today's Henan Province康熙字典【酉集下】【邑字部】?
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《廣韻》植鄰切《集韻》丞眞切,??音辰。國名?!堵肥贰吩非鹞髂纤氖镉?亭。 又《廣韻》姓也。
English(standard form of 鈂) a spade, an iron bar for making hole, to dig, heavy康熙字典【備考】【戌集】【金字部】?
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Englishtimid; weak and dulll康熙字典【戌集下】【頁字部】?
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《廣韻》《集韻》??丑甚切,音踸?!队衿??,愞劣貌。 又《集韻》昌枕切,音沈。弱也。 又時鴆切,音甚。??,頭貌。一曰弱也。