Englisha rectangle shaped peg or short post between the beans and the roof timbers; the square peck-shaped box half-way up a Chinese flagstaff康熙字典【辰集中】【木字部】?
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《唐韻》徒合切,音沓。柱上木也?!额惼分分^之??!稜栄拧め寣m註》柱上欂。亦名枅。又曰?。 又《廣韻》他合切《類篇》託合切,??音塔。義同。
English(same as 榻) a couch; a bed, window; shutters康熙字典【辰集中】【木字部】?
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English(simplified form of U+6FBE) slippery ( as a road)
English(corrupted form of 沓) repeated; joined, crowded together, a family name康熙字典【巳集上】【水字部】?
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Englishdog to take food, a biter (said of a dog)康熙字典【巳集下】【犬字部】?
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English(same as 獺) an otter康熙字典【巳集下】【犬字部】?
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Englishjutting on the epidermis or the cuticle (of plants); (Cant.) skin peeling off康熙字典【午集中】【皮字部】?
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《集韻》他達(dá)切,音闥。皮起也。 又俗譌作??。
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Englishname of a variety of bamboo, a cover made of bamboo康熙字典【未集上】【竹字部】?
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《集韻》托合切,音錔。竹冒也。一曰竹名。 又達(dá)合切,音沓。義同。
Englisha window-leaf; something made of strips of bamboo to block sunlight康熙字典【未集上】【竹字部】?
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