Englishincisive, (the large seal type 籀) to brand criminals on the face, to rob; to plunder, an edge, a two-edged weapon; a sword康熙字典【丑集上】【口字部】?
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《廣韻》離灼切《集韻》《正韻》力灼切,??音略?!稜栄拧め屧b》利也。 又《廣韻》人名。晉有褚?。《玉篇》今作略。籀文作剠?!稄V韻》同?。
Englishto close; to stop up; to obstruct康熙字典【丑集上】【囗字部】?
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Englishto mate; to pair康熙字典【丑集中】【土字部】?
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Englishbelow; under; low, (same as 陛) the steps to the throne, to ascend steps康熙字典【補遺】【丑集】【土字部】?
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English(same as 胚) an embryo; a foetus a month old康熙字典【丑集下】【女字部】?
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Englishcurtain for carriage康熙字典【寅集中】【巾字部】?
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《集韻》邊迷切,音蓖?!队衿奋?。 又《類篇》帷也?!稄V雅》???也。 又《集韻》《類篇》??頻脂切,音毗。義同。
Englishto stretch a bow, the bow decorated with colorful silk and leather, bent; curved康熙字典【寅集下】【弓字部】?
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《廣韻》《集韻》??平義切,音髲。《玉篇》??,所以張弩也?!都崱??,張弓貌。 又《廣韻》?弓?!都崱方z皮飾弓也。一曰曲弓也。
English(non-classical form of 弼) device for regulating bows; bow regulator, to correct, to assist; to aid康熙字典【備考】【寅集】【弓字部】?
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English(ancient form of 弼) device for regulating bows; bow regulator, to correct, to assist; to aid, to dust, to shake; to brush康熙字典【寅集下】【弓字部】?
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Englishto give a playful blow, to strike against, to wring; to wrench; to twist, to turn for the better康熙字典【卯集中】【手字部】?
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《集韻》《韻會》??蒲結(jié)切,音蹩。讀若敝入聲。捩也。 又擊仆也?!稄埡狻の骶┵x》徒搏之,所撞??!对]》撞?猶揘畢也,謂撞而?倒。 又《正韻》避列切,音別。義同。 又《韻會》與批通。 又《集韻》毗至切,音鼻。戲擊也。 又必結(jié)切,閉入聲。亦捩也。或作捌。 又僻吉切,音匹?!恫┭拧反桃?。 又簿必切,音邲。擊也。《揚子·方言》南楚凡相推搏曰??;蛟?。 又《唐韻》鄙密切,音筆。與??同。詳??字註。