[1]Copley JB: Prevention of peritoneal dialysis catheterrelated infections. Am JKid Dic 1987; 10:401
[2]Hiltunen KM, et al: One way obstruction during CAPD with Tenckhoff catheter.Scand J Uro Nephro 1985; 19:67
[3]Kopecky RT: Complications of CAPD: Diagnostic value of peritoneal scintigraphy.Am J Kid Dis 1987; 10:123
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[1]Copley JB: Prevention of peritoneal dialysis catheterrelated infections. Am JKid Dic 1987; 10:401
[2]Hiltunen KM, et al: One way obstruction during CAPD with Tenckhoff catheter.Scand J Uro Nephro 1985; 19:67
[3]Kopecky RT: Complications of CAPD: Diagnostic value of peritoneal scintigraphy.Am J Kid Dis 1987; 10:123