◎ 托人情 tuō rénqíng
[ask an influential person to help arrange sth.;ask sb. to put in a good word for one;seek the good office of sb.] 請人說情。也說“托情”
1.ask an influential person to help arrange sth.; ask sb. to intercede for oneself; ask sb. to use his good offices on one's behalf; gain one's end through pull; seek the good offices of sb.
請別人代為說情?!端疂G傳》第十回:“三回五次托人情去説:‘你的女婿沒了?!?張教頭 越不肯應承?!薄秲号⑿蹅鳌返谌寤兀骸傲泄?,你只看這 婁公 渾不渾,他見那神道也像是為找他托人情而來的!” 老舍 《四世同堂》三八:“他是個沒有什么野心的人,向來不肯托人情,拉關(guān)系?!币嗍∽鳌?托情 ”。 老舍 《四世同堂》五七:“慣于行賄托情,不多說幾句好話,他心里不舒服?!?/p>